Open drainage features a number of risks and potential dangers for the residents nearby. In case you're living in a neighborhood which has an open drainage nearby, confirm your children are made conscious of the risks and not allowed to play anywhere near the drainage. Apart from breeding many germs and mosquito's, open drainage can be dangerous for children as there have been a number of cases of children drowning in such open drains across the country. Open drains also a source of the many water borne diseases resulting in chronic health issues.

In case there is an open drain near your apartment complex, make sure you discuss about it with the RWA members and work towards getting it covered in order to reduce chances of any germ contamination in the area.

What you can do to solve such issues?
In case you find an open drainage in or around your apartment community, it is a good idea to do some investigation at your own end to find out the reasons for its presence.

Find out whether the drainage is due to any seasonal rains or a leakage in the underground water and sewage pipes. In case the answer is "yes", you can approach the water and sewerage department and lodge an official complaint for resolution of such a problem.

In case the open drainage has been existent in the area for a long time, chances of getting a resolution may involve a large number of origination and people including Municipal Corporation and your local MLA or area counselor.

Suggested Solutions for Resolving Open drainage Woes
Sometimes even small steps can go a long way in making sure such open drainage do not cause any inconvenience to the residents living nearby.

Make sure there's no obstruction to the water flow of such open drains in any way. Usually such open drains are clogged as nearby residents often dump their garbage and daily trash in such drains obstructing the free flow of the drain water.
Make sure the drain water is left free flowing in order that it doesn't act as a tract for mosquitoes. Make sure you treat the water entering the drain so that it does not breed mosquitoes.
Make people or residents aware of not throwing garbage in the drainage system and choke it up.
Ensure only treated waste water enters the drain.
While treating the drain water is the responsibility of the municipal corporation, the residents can pool in their time and effort and treat the water themselves or try and file an official request with the respective municipal corporation.
Innovative Technology for Resolving Open Drainage Problems
While Municipal Corporations and other government agencies have not always been successful in closing such open drains, a new innovative technology is offering a glimmer of hope for residents living in nearby areas.

Scientists have come up with a research product which is made up of active nano nutrients increasing the oxygen in the drain water giving life to diatom algae. Such algae release oxygen thanks to photosynthesis thereby helping in regulation of the drain water. This process believe scientists can help reduce the chemical inflow into open drains leaving the residents with none foul smell or fear of water borne diseases.